Friday, May 22, 2009

Behavior Therapy for My ADHD Student

One of my lovely darlings has been without his Concerta all week long. His parents wanted to see what effect it would have on him. It was interesting for me to see as well. In small group situations he was unfocused and would repeatedly say, "It's hard [to make himself work]." I would assure him that I understand but we must keep trying.

In class he was not only unfocused and not working, but he would pick with other children. On a positive note, his sense of humor and his energy and exuberance just get magnified when he is not subdued by meds. He is a really creative kid and I can see him becoming an engineer someday.

Does anyone know of effective behavior therapy resources in the Washington DC area for ADHD kids?? In class, I've started a new behavior chart this week, with a reward (a stick of gum or five minutes free time) every fifth time that I catch him being good. I also seat him away from the group to work if he talks too much and I check up on his progress a lot more often. I tell him specifically what I expect him to have finished before I circulate back around to see his work.

Maybe with effective behavioral intervention, he can get off meds and have the best of both worlds - his wonderful personality with self-regulation.

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