Friday, April 10, 2009

Ideas for Getting Assistive Technology

I attended a presentation about various assistive learning technologies such as Inspiration/Kidspiration and Kurzweil Reading Software. I really want to convince whatever school I will be teaching at next year to invest in some good assistive technology.

Here are some ideas I can try. I can get the software on a 30-day free trial, use it with several students, and document their progress diligently. Then I can show the results to my principal. Another method is to ask the presenter to come in and talk with the principal , or better - the entire staff, and get their positive (hopefully) reactions. Third, I can contact the DCPS Office of Assistive Technology and see if they have appropriate software to loan. Finally, I can just buy the software myself and be sure to show the principal the positive results.

Now, those are just ideas from someone who has not had to to convince a principal to buy expensive equipment for special education students before. Have you tried any techniques for getting principals to invest in special education?

1 comment:

  1. I really dislike Inspiration, it seems so counterintuitive and Microsoft Word seems like it can pretty much do the same things. Have you found Inspiration useful?
